¿Qué ver en Koriyama culture park, Prefectura de fukushima?
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The Koriyama Culture Park is located in the Fukushima Prefecture of Japan. This park offers a wide variety of activities and attractions for visitors of all ages. Some of the highlights of the park include a large playground area, a botanical garden, a Japanese garden, and a museum dedicated to the history of the area.
The park is open daily from 9 am to 5 pm and admission is free. However, some of the attractions within the park may have additional fees.
The official website for the Koriyama Culture Park is currently unavailable, but visitors can find more information about the park on various travel websites.
In the surrounding areas of the Koriyama Culture Park, visitors can also explore other attractions such as the Kaisei-ji Temple, the Koriyama Castle Ruins, and the Koriyama City Fureai Science Museum. The Kaisei-ji Temple is open from 9 am to 4 pm and admission is free. The Koriyama Castle Ruins are open 24/7 and admission is also free. The Koriyama City Fureai Science Museum is open from 9 am to 5 pm and admission is 200 yen for adults and 100 yen for children.
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